Punsavan Sanskar - an overview

Punsavan sanskaar (The ritual performed for the physical health of the foetus) 
All conscious parents wish that the child in the womb - whether son or daughter - should be full of strength and vigor; should be healthy, disease-free, long-lived, intelligent and goodlooking. The second ritual - the Punsavan sanskaar - is performed with this objective, two to three months after the foetus is placed in the mother's womb. Once pregnant, the mother has to take precautions for the protection, growth and development of the womb. The scripture 'Charak' in the Aayurveda contains detailed instruction on this topic. 

For instance, certain things that could dehydrate the womb, flow it out or kill the fetus are: squatting with the feet flat on the ground, walking around on uneven land, sitting on a hard or rigid base, resisting the pressure of motion, urination or gas, laboring hard, consuming hot or strong food items and remaining too hungry. [Source: Charak Sanhita, ShaareerSthaan- 8/21] Getting hurt, the squeezing of the womb in any manner or looking at a deep pit, a well or the fearsome spots of mountains can result in miscarriage. Too much movement of the pregnant woman's body, a ride on bullock-cart or some such vehicle, loud noise or unpleasant words can also result in miscarriage. Always lying down straight on the back can cause the cord to wrap around the neck of the fetus, thus killing it. [Source: Charak Sanhita, ShaareerSthaan - 6/21].

 If the pregnant woman sleeps nude or keeps roaming around, the ensuing offspring could be insane. An extremely quarrelsome pregnant woman could have an epileptic child. If she is too obsessed with sex, the offspring would be lustful and lascivious. If she is forever mournful, the child would be fearful, weak, short-lived. If she is desirous of others' wealth, she would produce a jealous, thievish, lazy, rebellious, wicked child. If she remains angry, the child would be ill-tempered, deceptive and a backbiter. If she is too much of a sleeper, her offspring will be lazy and stupid having indigestion problems. If she drinks alcohol, her child would be restless. If she has too much of a sweet intake, the child would be diabetic; with excess of sour intake, the child would have dermatological problems; excess of salt intake would result in child's hair turning grey prematurely, wrinkling of face and balding; too much intake of spicy, pungent food could produce a weak, semifertile, infertile or a homosexual child. Extremely bitter intake could result in a child with a feeble, emaciated body. [Source: Charak Sanhita, Shaareer Sthaan - 8/21]

 Right from the first day, a pregnant woman should remain happy, adorn herself with pure jewels, wear white clothes, have a peaceful mind, wish well for everyone and be devoted to the service of God and saints. She should abstain from touching soiled, distorted or inferior organs. She should stay away from stinking places and unpleasant sites. She should avoid listening to things that cause uneasiness or restlessness. She should not partake of dry, stale or rotten food. She should shun going outdoors, visiting an unoccupied house or cremation grounds, staying under a tree, getting cross or sulking, being untoward, yelling etc. She should avoid all those things that could harm her womb and its occupant [Source: Charak Sanhita] 

She should not use any intoxicant, should not climb for a ride, should not eat meat, abandon the things which the senses are not desirous of and comply with the learned women of the neighborhood or family [Source: Charak Sanhita]. All that is written above implies that when the child is in the womb, everything that the mother does, contributes towards the child's constitution. Keeping in mind the physical development of the offspring, it is therefore, the mother's duty to regulate her eating-drinking habits, her lifestyle and behavior in such a manner that it leaves no adverse effect on the child. If any organ of the pregnant woman hurts owing to a physical defect, the wombplaced chills starts experiencing a hurting sensation in the same [Source: Sushrut, Shaareer Sthaan - 3/16].